Crystal Flush Review: The Best Natural Antifungal?

Crystal Flush Review: The Best Natural Antifungal?

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Disclaimer: None of the information in this article constitutes medical advice, and is just the opinion of the writer(s). We recommend that patients follow their doctor’s guidance in regard to antifungals.

Crystal Flush is a two-part system used to treat toe fungus that includes a topical treatment and a dietary supplement. The brand claims that “In as little as 21 days, Crystal Flush helps restore the healthy and strong toenails of your youth.”

But can an oral supplement really treat toenail fungus? Does the topical Crystal Flush treatment contain research-backed ingredients? Does it contain any questionable additive ingredients? Will it cause side effects? And how do real users rate and describe the effects of Crystal Flush?

In this article we’ll answer all of these questions and more as we analyze the ingredients in Crystal Flush based on medical studies to give our take on whether the supplement is likely to be effective or if it’s a waste of money.

We’ll share our thoughts on whether it’s likely to cause side effects and feature real, unsponsored Crystal Flush user reviews.

Topical Serum Ingredient Analysis

Crystal Flush topical serum active ingredient

The active ingredient in Crystal Flush’s topical serum is shown above.

Tolnaftate is an FDA-approved antifungal agent that’s been clinically shown to be effective. A clinical trial published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 82.7% of patients using tolnaftate at the same 1% concentration as in Crystal Flush experienced “clearing or great improvement” of their fungal lesions.

Crystal Flush also contains some botanical inactive ingredients shown below:

Crystal Flush topical inactive ingredients

Some of these ingredients have clinical backing for their antifungal properties.

Lavender oil was shown in a 2005 clinical trial to “reduce fungal progression.”

Tea tree oil is highly effective against fungus when applied topically, as we documented in our Fungus Clear reviews article on another product containing this ingredient.

Neem was shown to be effective against all four types of fungus tested in a clinical trial published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology.

Overall, we consider this product to be likely effective as a topical antifungal. One good thing about Crystal Flush’s topical formulation is that it’s entirely free of questionable additive ingredients like fragrance or synthetic preservatives.

But what about the dietary supplement? We’ll analyze in the next section.

Dietary Supplement Ingredient Analysis

Crystal Flush dietary supplement ingredients

The ingredients in Crystal Flush’s dietary supplement, called Balance, are shown above.

There are some ingredients in this formulation with antifungal effects.

Oregano has been shown to reduce levels of a fungus called Candida albicans in a clinical trial published in the Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry journal. However, oregano essential oil was used which is a different format than the oregano leaf extract in Balance.

Caprylic acid was shown to be effective when combined with botanical ingredients against the same fungus strain in a 2019 clinical trial. This was an in vitro (test tube) study, which is a weaker standard of evidence than trials with human participants.

Probiotics can support gut health generally as we documented in our Synogut reviews article, and a more resilient gut microbiome may prevent future fungal infections. However, we can’t find any clinical evidence that the probiotic in this supplement directly reduces skin fungus.

Anise has proven antifungal effects, although a 2012 medical review reports that “anise essential oil exhibited stronger antifungal activities rather than its extract,” and the format in Crystal Flush Balance is an extract not an essential oil.

We want to be clear: we do not recommend ingesting any essential oils without the approval of a doctor as there can be significant health risks; we’re just reporting on some of the comparative study results.

Based on the ingredients in this supplement we consider it potentially effective as an antifungal. However, we consider the topical treatment more likely to be effective.

This supplement is entirely free of questionable inactive ingredients like artificial flavors or added sugar which is a good thing. 

But how do real users rate and describe the effects of Crystal Flush? We’ll review in the next section.

Customers Rate Crystal Flush

Amazon is a better resource for honest customer reviews than a brand’s website in our opinion.

Crystal Flush’s two-step system has been reviewed over 115 times on Amazon with an average review rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The top positive review from a verified purchaser comes from a user named “Tina Tracy” who claims the products can help prevent ingrown toenails:

“This stuff works amazing! I haven't had an ingrown toenail since using this! Mynails are going back to pink and they flattening out like they should be! Amazing product!”

The top negative review from a verified purchaser is written by a user named “Concerned consumer” who describes it as a scam:

“The product is sold for toe nail fungus, but in tiny print on bottle, that requires a magnifying glass to read it states not effective on scalp and nails. I want my money back and to prevent others falling for the mid advertised scam.”

Can You Treat Toenail Fungus at Home?

A YouTube video from popular health influencer Dr. Mandell claims that you can cure toenail fungus for pennies a day:

Where to Get the Best Price

Crystal Flush is sold at a variety of online retailers. Here’s a price breakdown at the time of publishing this article:

2-pack (topical and supplement)

Amazon: $74.95 (free shipping, link)

Brand website: $59 (plus shipping, link)


Brand website: N/A

Amazon: $34.95 (link to official Amazon listing)

The brand’s website has a 16% cheaper price on the supplement plus topical treatment, but depending on shipping rates that gap will narrow.

Purchasing the individual topical treatment is not possible on the brand’s website, so consumers who want this product alone should go to Amazon.

Does Crystal Flush Cause Side Effects?

Crystal Flush doesn’t appear to have been studied in any clinical trials so it's impossible to say for certain whether or not the system causes side effects. However, we can make an educated guess based on the active ingredients used.

Tolnaftate (the active ingredient in the topical formulation of Crystal Flush) appears to be a very safe antifungal. We can’t locate any clinical evidence that it causes side effects when used at a 1% concentration.

Because there are no questionable additives in this product and its active ingredient appears safe, we consider Crystal Flush unlikely to cause side effects in healthy adults.

Our only concern in regard to side effects is that the essential oil concentration is not published, and high concentrations of essential oils can cause irritation when used topically, according to a 2021 medical review.

This suggests that consumers with very sensitive skin may wish to avoid this product. We hope that in the future Crystal Flush publishes the concentration for all essential oil ingredients.

Our Clean Antifungal Picks

Performance Lab MCT Oil is our top oral antifungal pick.

Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil was shown in a clinical trial published in the Nutrients journal to be a "therapeutic intervention for reducing fungal colonization."

Momentous Vitamin D3 is our top vitamin anti-fungal pick.

A medical review published in the Current Medical Mycology journal found that vitamin D3 had antifungal activity against Candida species (a pervasive fungal pathogen) and also inhibited biofilm formation.

Dr. Bronner's Organic Coconut Oil is our topical anti-fungal pick.

A medical review concluded that "coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species."

We're not suggesting that either of these products should be used to treat any disease or health condition.

Both of the products recommended in this section are entirely free of ingredients we consider to be unhealthy.

Pros and Cons of Crystal Flush

Here are the pros and cons of Crystal Flush as a brand in our opinion:


  • Effective active ingredients
  • Non-toxic inactive ingredients


  • Questionable supplement efficacy
  • Expensive
  • Essential oil concentrations not published
  • Mediocre Amazon reviews
  • Can’t purchase individual products on brand website
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Crystal Flush is one of the better OTC antifungals we’ve reviewed on Illuminate Health. Both the topical formulation and the oral supplement contain research-backed ingredients and are free of questionable additives.

We consider the topical formulation more likely to work, because we’ve seen more convincing research for topical treatment of fungus than natural herbal supplement treatment.

The topical Crystal Flush product contains essential oils but the concentration of those ingredients are not published, which is a slight concern because high concentrations of essential oils can irritate the skin. We hope that in the future the brand publishes this critical information.

This product is significantly more expensive than most OTC antifungals or purchasing essential oils and diluting them at home.

For consumers intent on purchasing Crystal Flush’s two-part system, the brand’s website has the best price. Only Amazon has the option to purchase the topical treatment in isolation.

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