Ageless Male is a men's health supplement sold by a brand called New Vitality that's used to increase testosterone (T) levels. The brand claims that "science has uncovered some amazing ingredients that can help turn back the clock on your body."
But does Ageless Male contain research-backed ingredients for increasing T levels? Does it contain any questionable additives? How do real users rate and describe the effects of this supplement? And is Ageless Male Max more potent?
In this article we'll answer all of these questions and more, as we analyze the ingredients in Ageless Male and Ageless Male Max to give our take on whether or not the supplements are likely to be effective.
We'll also feature customer reviews of the brand, explain how it compares to Viagra, and document which retailer has the best price on Ageless Male.
Ageless Male Ingredient Analysis

The active ingredients in Ageless Male are shown above.
Vitamin B6 supplementation may improve testosterone levels in the case of a deficiency, as shown by a published in the British Journal of Nutrition, however we can't find any clinical evidence that this vitamin improves testosterone levels in healthy adults.
Magnesium is included at a dose of 34 milligrams (mg), which is only 8% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).
For reference, this is about as much magnesium as is in ten almonds, the USDA.
Zinc may improve testosterone levels in men with low T, however as we documented in our Nugenix reviews article, the only clinical studies we can identify showing this mineral to be effective use a dose over 200 mg, which is over 5x the amount in Ageless Male.
Ashwagandha extract is to increase T levels by around 15% in aging, overweight men at a similar dose to that in Ageless Male.
The Male Vitality Support Blend has an average ingredient dose of 52.5 mg, and we're unable to find any clinical studies showing these ingredients to be effective at such a low dose.
The inactive ingredients in Ageless Male, which should be safe and non-toxic, are shown below:

Overall, we consider Ageless Male somewhat likely to be effective for optimizing T levels, given its effective dose of ashwagandha extract.
We don't consider this to be a particularly well-formulated supplement, given that in our opinion, only 1 of 11 of its active ingredients is effectively dosed.
Real People Try Ageless Male
A TikTok user named "badchad1007" claims to have experienced side effects from the supplement:
Watch on TikTok
Amazon is a better resource for honest customer reviews than a brand's website in our opinion.
At the time of updating this article, Ageless Male as been reviewed over 500 times on Amazon, and has an average review rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars.
A top positive review from a verified purchaser comes from a user named "Alessandro" who gave the product a 5/5 star rating:
"Male hormone supplement. Great as is. Great value. Putbhair on your chest. Health restoration for older men. So potent you may skip every other day. Then single tablet a day when your good."
A top negative review from a verified purchaser is written by a user named "JGW" who gave the product a 1/5 star rating, and claims it failed to increase his T levels:
"This product does nothing and is an absolute waste of time and money. Took for 50 days and it made no difference whatsoever to levels"
Ageless Male Max currently has an average rating of 3.9 out of 5 stars on Google.
Is Ageless Male Max Better?
The active ingredients in Ageless Male Max are shown above.
This supplement is marketed as more potent than the original Ageless Male formulation.
Zinc and vitamin B6 are included (just like the original formulation), and as discussed in the previous Ingredient Analysis section, we can't find clinical evidence of their efficacy at the stated doses.
Niacin, vitamin B12 and vitamin D are additional vitamins, but we're unable to find evidence of their effectiveness at the stated doses.
Ashwagandha root extract is clinically shown to optimize T levels in aging men, as we discussed in the previous Ingredient Analysis section, but the dose in the "Max" supplement is around half of the dose in the original version, which we don't understand.
NOXPerform is a trademarked fruit and vegetables blend totaling 95.22 mg.
This blend contains 29 ingredients, so it contains an average of 3 mg per ingredient.
As we explained in our review of Green Tea Fat Burner, supplement companies often add small amounts of exotic ingredients to make their Supplement Facts label look impressive.
To provide an example of how low a dose of 3 mg is, consider that one single piece of broccoli weighs 10,000 mg, the USDA.
This means that one single piece of broccoli contains 3,333 times the amount of broccoli as likely exists in Ageless Male Max.
Regardless, we haven't come across any clinical evidence that fruit and vegetable supplementation enhances testosterone levels.
The inactive ingredients in Ageless Male Max, which should be safe and non-toxic, are shown below:

Overall, we consider Ageless Male Max unlikely to support optimal T levels in men, because we're unable to identify a single active ingredient in this formulation we consider to be effectively dosed for that outcome.
We actually consider this formulation to be less potent than original Ageless Male (which has an effective ashwagandha dose).
Does Ageless Male Work Like Viagra?
Consumers who are seeking natural solutions to improve their health are often curious if supplements like Ageless Male can have as potent of an effect as a pharmaceutical pill like Viagra.
We do not believe that Ageless Male is likely to be as effective as Viagra.
Viagra has been proven in many clinical trials to enhance erectile function in men, while Ageless Male does not appear to have been studied in any clinical trials.
Viagra is FDA-approved, while Ageless Male is a dietary supplement so it cannot be FDA-approved.
The two pills are used for different things: Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), while Ageless Male is used to naturally improve testosterone levels.
Our Testosterone Support PicksWe receive compensation when readers purchase the products or services we recommend.
MBG Vitamin D3 Potency+ is our top value testosterone support pick.
Vitamin D3 supplementation has been to increase total testosterone levels by over 25%.
Performance Lab Magnesium is our top mineral testosterone support pick.
Magnesium is a mineral that is to increase free and total testosterone in athletes and in sedentary individuals.
All of the products recommended in this section are entirely free of ingredients that we consider unhealthy.
Where to Get the Best PriceThis section may contain affiliate links. We receive compensation when readers make a purchase using an affiliate link.
Ageless Male is sold at a variety of online retailers, and at different serving sizes.
Here's a price breakdown based on cost-per-serving, at the time of updating this article:
Walgreens: $0.67 (free shipping, link)
Brand website: $0.58 (plus shipping, link)
Walmart: $0.50 (plus shipping, link)
Amazon: $0.46 (free shipping, link to official Amazon listing)
Ageless Male is currently around 25% cheaper per-serving on Amazon than on the brand's website, when factoring in shipping fees.
Ageless Male Pros and Cons
Here are the pros and cons of Ageless Male in our opinion:
- Original formulation contains effectively-dosed ashwagandha
- Original formulation may support T levels
- No unhealthy inactive ingredients
- Relatively high Amazon ratings
- Max formulation contains no effectively dosed ingredients in our opinion
- Max formulation unlikely to support optimal T levels
- Doesn't appear to be clinically tested
- Challenging to find real user reviews on YouTube or TikTok
- Brand website charges for shipping