Quest Protein Chips are a unique product: potato chips marketed as being high in protein. The brand describes this product line as a chip "you can enjoy any time."
But how much protein is actually in Quest Chips per serving? Are the other ingredients healthy? What's the healthiest flavor of Quest Chips? And how do real customers rate and describe the taste?
In this article we'll answer all of these questions and more, as we analyze the ingredients in Quest Chips to give our take on whether or not they're healthy, and whether or not they provide an effective protein dose.
We'll also give our pick for the healthiest flavor, and feature real Quest Protein Chips customer reviews.
Ingredient Analysis

The ingredients in the Nacho Cheese flavor of Quest Protein Chips are shown above.
Protein blend is the first active ingredient, and these chips provide 18 grams (g) of protein per bag.
This is slightly less than the dose of 20 g post-workout to maximize muscle synthesis, but still much higher than the average chip brand.
There's no mention about the sourcing of the cheese and animal protein, so we'll assume it's sourced from conventionally-raised animals, which is a choice than animal products sourced from pastured animals.
Natural flavors may include preservative ingredients, as we documented in our Pure Protein Bars review article.
Overall, we consider Quest Protein Chips to be healthier than the average chip brand.
We don't currently recommend this brand due to our concerns over the dairy sourcing and the inclusion of natural flavors, but there are no highly unhealthy ingredients like artificial flavors, and we're somewhat surprised by the relative healthiness of this formulation.
Real People Try Quest Chips
YouTube creators "Natalie and Tara" did a taste test of every flavor of Quest Chips:
A YouTube creator named "MorelliFIT" with a fitness-focused channel reviewed Quest Protein Chips:
What's the Healthiest Flavor?
Quest Protein Chips are currently sold in eight different flavors.
We consider the Nacho Cheese flavor reviewed in the Ingredient Analysis section to be the healthiest flavor due to a lack of questionable additive ingredients.
Citric acid is included in some flavors like Spicy Sweet Chili, and this compound is to cause whole-body inflammation in some individuals.
Yellow 6 and other artificial food dyes are included in some flavors like Hot & Spicy, and artificial food dye was described as toxic to human health in at least one medical review, as we documented in our Popcorners review article.
Sugar is included in some flavors, and we consider refined, added sugar to be unhealthy given its negative effects on metabolism when consumed in excess (we do not consider the dose in these chips to be harmful though).