Breathe Right strips are the most popular nighttime nasal strips used by allergy and congestion sufferers. The brand describes its product line as a "Sleep Revolution."
But are Breathe Right strips unhealthy? Do they damage the skin? Are there any long-term risks? And how was our experience trying them?
In this article I'll answer all of these questions and more, as we analyze clinical studies on Breathe Right strips to give our take on whether or not they're likely to work, and whether or not they're bad for you.
I'll also share my experience after testing Breathe Right strips for over a year.
Are Breathe Right Strips Proven to Work?
The effectiveness of Breathe Right strips has actually been tested in clinical trials.
A meta-review published in the Advances in Therapy journal analyzed two clinical trials testing Breathe Right strips on nasal congestion and sleep quality scores.
Breathe Right strips significantly improved congestion and sleep quality scores, but so did the placebo treatment.
The researchers concluded that Breathe Right strips were not effective overall based on this data, "possibly due to a strong placebo effect."
A 1997 reported that Breathe Right strips significantly increased airflow through the nasal cavity.
Based on the available research, we consider Breathe Right strips likely to be effective, at least for improving subjective symptoms of nasal congestion.
Are Breathe Right Strips Bad for You?
The previously-cited studies reported no serious side effects from use of Breathe Right strips.
This makes sense logically, since this is a minimally-invasive therapy that involves topical application.
Two patients in the trials reported nasal discomfort and two reported sinusitis in the Breathe Right groups, but it would be hard to attribute sinusitis to a topical strip.
Based on the available research, we do not consider Breathe Right strips to be bad for you, and we consider them to be significantly healthier than some systemic therapies (as one example, our recent article on DayQuil highlighted some ingredients which may be unhealthy).
We Tried Breathe Right Ourselves
As the author of this article, I've been using Breathe Right strips at night for over a year now:

I have a narrow nose, and it's much easier for me to breathe when I use Breathe Right. I also feel like my sleep quality and duration improves.
I've even used these strips during exercise sometimes (in particular golf and running), and have noticed greater comfort during exertion.
Overall, I'd rate Breathe Right 10/10 and I plan to continue purchasing it.
Are Breathe Right Strips Bad for Skin?
The negative cosmetic effects of Breathe Right strips are temporary in my experience.
The strips contain adhesive material on the inner lining, so they stick to skin and leave a mark once removed. This fades over time and particularly after a shower, but for people who are sensitive about their appearance this treatment may be a bad option for them.
I personally don't care at all about these transient cosmetic effects, and the quality of life benefits drastically outweigh any visual changes to my nose.
We haven't come across any clinical studies directly testing the long-term effects of Breathe Right strips on facial skin quality, but I've been using them for over a year and haven't noticed any negative changes.