Bye Bye Bloat is a dietary supplement sold by a brand called Love Wellness that’s used for relief from bloating. The brand also claims that the supplement can “promote healthy digestion,” “manage excess water weight” and “calm an upset stomach.”
But does Bye Bye Bloat contain ingredients that are proven in clinical studies to have these effects, or are these just marketing claims? Does the supplement contain any questionable additives? And how do real users rate and describe its effects?
In this article we’ll answer all of these questions and more, as we analyze the ingredients in Bye Bye Bloat to give our take on whether or not it’s likely to be effective for bloating relief.
We’ll also feature unsponsored customer reviews, and provide a cost comparison to show which retailer sells this product for the best price.
Key takeaways:
- Contains some research-backed active ingredients
- We consider some of the ingredients to be underdosed
- We don't currently recommend Bye Bye Bloat
Ingredient Analysis
Bye Bye Bloat’s ingredients are listed in a proprietary (“prop”) blend with a total dose of 700 milligrams (mg).
We typically recommend avoiding supplements that use prop blends, because they only list the total dose, and not the individual dose, of each active ingredient.
Without individual ingredient doses, it’s challenging to assess whether an ingredient is effectively (and safely) dosed.
Organic fenugreek seed powder is the first active ingredient, and while this compound was shown in a 2020 to have favorable effects on gut health, we can’t locate any clinical trials suggesting it reduces bloating.
Organic dandelion root powder was shown in a published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology to have the potential to treat various gastrointestinal diseases, but the researchers concluded that the research is too early-stage to definitively say so, and there is no mention of bloating relief.
Organic fennel seed powder is shown in to be a laxative, so we don’t understand its inclusion in a digestive relief supplement.
Organic ginger root powder is an effective treatment for nausea and bloating. However, it may be underdosed in Bye Bye Bloat pills.
A published in the Food Science & Nutrition journal analyzed data on ginger for gastrointestinal issues and concluded that the spice was an effective remedy.
However, the lowest dose used in any of the trials was 500 mg and most of the doses were at or over 1,000 mg. The average ingredient dose in Bye Bye Bloat is only 64 mg.
Organic parsley leaf powder is to relieve gas, which can lessen bloating, but the dosage in all of the trials in the above-linked medical review were vastly higher than the average ingredient dose in Bye Bye Bloat.
Protease complex and lipase complex are digestive enzyme blends.
As we referenced in our review of 310 Nutrition, supplemental digestive enzymes can help the body digest food, so these may be effective ingredients, but we can’t tell for certain without individual dosages published.
Overall, we consider Bye Bye Bloat to be potentially effective for improving digestive health and reducing symptoms of bloating, because it contains several research-backed ingredients.
One good thing about this supplement is it’s entirely free of questionable additive ingredients.
We don't currently recommend this supplement, because we're unable to identify any ingredients we consider effectively dosed.
Real People Try Bye Bye Bloat
One of the most popular Bye Bye Bloat reviews comes from a TikTok user named Vera who claims that the supplement was effective for reducing bloating:
@beautybyqueenv Reply to @jacob.likes.bonnie.69 bye bye bloat review! #productreview #byebyebloat #ultahaul #ultareview #ultaproducts #beauty #makeup #makeupreviews #beautytips #beautyhacks #weightlosstips #weightlossproducts #reviews #weightlosscapsules #weightlossprogress ♬ Hip Hop with impressive piano sound(793766) - Dusty Sky
A TikTok creator named Laura Elle compared Bye Bye Bloat to Olly's supplement for bloating:
@lauraelle111 Just my opinion and my take! Just wanted to share my thoughts because i genuinely love this product (bye bye bloat) !💘🩷 @lovewellness #byebyebloat #beatthebloat #ollywellness #lovewellness #bloatingsupplements #bloatingtips #weightlosssupplements #nomorebloating #weightlossforwomen #bloatingproblems #bloatinghack #bloatingremedy ♬ original sound - Laura Elle
Does Bye Bye Bloat Cause Side Effects?
Bye Bye Bloat doesn't appear to have been studied in any clinical trials, which makes it more challenging to assess the risk of side effects.
However, we can make an educated guess based on its ingredients.
Fennel is a laxative that may be irritating to the gut, as we discussed in our Inno Cleanse review article.
We do not expect fennel to have negative effects at the relatively low average ingredient dose used in this supplement, but it may in sensitive individuals.
There are no ingredients in this supplement that we consider unsafe or likely to cause side effects in otherwise healthy adults.
There is no mention of side effects on the product page on the brand's website at the time of updating this article.
Where to Get the Best PriceThis section may contain affiliate links. We receive compensation when readers make a purchase using an affiliate link.
Bye Bye Bloat is sold at a variety of online retailers.
Here’s the price breakdown for a one-time purchase at the time of updating this article:
Brand website: $24.99 (plus shipping, link)
Ulta: $24.99 (plus shipping, link)
Target: $24.49 (plus shipping, link)
Amazon: $24.48 (free shipping, link to official Amazon listing)
Bye Bye Bloat is currently around 20% cheaper on Amazon than other online retailers when factoring in shipping fees.
Customers Rate Bye Bye Bloat
Amazon is a better resource for unbiased customer reviews than a brand's website in our opinion.
At the time of updating this article, Bye Bye Bloat has been reviewed over 10,000 times on Amazon, and has an average customer review rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars.
A top positive review from a verified purchaser is written by a user named “Hollie Rogers” who gave the product a 5/5 rating, and claims it's effective:
“I had struggled with bloat, retaining water, and just all together not a good gut. When I took these I noticed a little bit of difference in my body. I quit taking them for a few months and that is when I truly realized what they did for my body. They truly help your bloat, blah tummy feeling, and help you feel better.”
A top negative review from a verified purchaser comes from a user named “nana” who gave the product a 1/5 rating, and claims it caused severe side effects:
“after several months of use, I started to get severe stomach pain. I didn't know what it was at 1st... the past 2 times is sent me to the hospital and they thought that I had gallbladder issues so they did a ultrasound on my stomach..The Times where I would have the stomach attacks was when I was out of town taking the pills because I didn't want my stomach to be bloated in my bathing suit.”
Bye Bye Bloat currently has an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars on Google.
Our Clean Gut Health PicksWe receive compensation when readers purchase the products or services we recommend.
MBG Organic Fiber Potency+ is our top fiber pick.
MBG Organic Fiber Potency+ contains 100% soluble fiber, which was described as "one of the most important nutrients for the gut microbiota" in a published in the Molecules journal.
Ritual Synbiotic+ is our top probiotic pick.
It contains prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, and costs under $1.50 per serving at the time of updating this article.
Probiotics "can improve in the immune, systems in healthy adults" according to a 2019 .
Both of the products recommended in this section are entirely free of ingredients that we consider to be unhealthy.
Bye Bye Bloat Pros and Cons
Here are the pros and cons of Bye Bye Bloat in our opinion:
- Healthy formulation
- Contains some research-backed active ingredients
- Unlikely to cause side effects
- May relieve bloating
- May support digestion
- Affordable
- Mostly positive online customer reviews
- Doesn't appear to be clinically tested
- Some active ingredients may be underdosed
- Contains a laxative ingredient
- Brand website charges for shipping
- Individual ingredient doses aren't published